最近幾日~ 真滴深刻的體會到 人生的短暫..
很感恩 當初帶我到佛教如來宗如來精舍 的師姐
接受明師 妙禪師父的帶領
讓我 在還年輕的時候 可以明瞭到 人生的真實意
因為來到佛教如來宗,我有了很深 很深的感觸
到了最後 ..真的是萬般帶不走 唯有業隨身
很多的不捨 但是 卻無能為力
真滴真滴要很把握 也要很珍惜
2011年8月12日 星期五
2011年6月19日 星期日
[佛教如來宗]幸運的人生~ 只因有 妙禪師父的帶領
真滴覺得 ~ 自己很幸運...
幸運的來到了 佛教如來宗 -如來精舍
幸運的遇到了 一位明師 妙禪師父
因為來到佛教如來宗,才幸運的明白了 什麼才是真平靜、什麼才是真圓滿
因為遇到了 妙禪師父,才幸運的知道了 平凡、安穩、順遂 不再只是苛求
只要願意、 願意相信、 願意給自己一個機會 以上都是必得的!!
無此之外 ... 也將得到 生命中 最大的禮物
有時候 會希望 有著轟轟烈烈的 一番成就...不論是 事業、情感
有時候 會希望 追求心靈中的平靜與在穩定中成長
只是 ~ 大多時候 生命中所遭遇到的一切 不是人力所能掌控的...
因為 就彷彿有一隻看不見的手 在操弄著 一切
而 大部分的 我們 只能接受 而無能力去改變
最後... 平凡、安穩 、順遂 變得只是一種苛求
很好奇 ~ 怎麼突然變得那麼感概嗎????
只是... 真滴有生活、現實 .. 常常會讓人有種 無力感
而我 只是想 跟你們分享...... 現在的心情
很想 大聲的說~~ ~~~
雖然我的人生 沒有太過轟轟烈烈
但是... 我珍惜、愛護、把握....現在所擁有的一切
感恩 有祢 妙禪師父 的帶領 ...
幸運的來到了 佛教如來宗 -如來精舍
幸運的遇到了 一位明師 妙禪師父
因為來到佛教如來宗,才幸運的明白了 什麼才是真平靜、什麼才是真圓滿
因為遇到了 妙禪師父,才幸運的知道了 平凡、安穩、順遂 不再只是苛求
只要願意、 願意相信、 願意給自己一個機會 以上都是必得的!!
無此之外 ... 也將得到 生命中 最大的禮物
有時候 會希望 有著轟轟烈烈的 一番成就...不論是 事業、情感
有時候 會希望 追求心靈中的平靜與在穩定中成長
只是 ~ 大多時候 生命中所遭遇到的一切 不是人力所能掌控的...
因為 就彷彿有一隻看不見的手 在操弄著 一切
而 大部分的 我們 只能接受 而無能力去改變
最後... 平凡、安穩 、順遂 變得只是一種苛求
很好奇 ~ 怎麼突然變得那麼感概嗎????
只是... 真滴有生活、現實 .. 常常會讓人有種 無力感
而我 只是想 跟你們分享...... 現在的心情
很想 大聲的說~~ ~~~
雖然我的人生 沒有太過轟轟烈烈
但是... 我珍惜、愛護、把握....現在所擁有的一切
感恩 有祢 妙禪師父 的帶領 ...
2011年3月7日 星期一
2011年2月27日 星期日
Amazing, marvelous佛教如來宗
昨天去了Kelly的精舍 (正確說是佛教如來宗--如來精舍)
一句話...…amazing, marvelous妙禪 師父-佛教如來宗!!!
本來想說要去解救Kelly才答應他要去他妙禪師父那裡禪修 但是感覺每個禮拜都被她丁
中午跟Kelly”師姐”一起吃飯後到了如來精舍. ... ...
雖說是精舍 但是在學校禮堂裡還真是讓我大吃一驚…
我心裡面失望了一下…妙禪 師父咧~~~I want 師父~~~怎麼會這樣~
Well禪定的時候 剛開始10分鐘跟我想像的一樣…… 十分痠痛,很想落跑
不過開始慢慢覺得心變定了 有點進入狀況了 結果聽到老師說:請合十的時候
真得有種:OH!! Come on!!!的感覺… 很想繼續打坐~
休息的時候沒甚麼事情可以做…就繼續盯著 妙禪師父看…我還蠻喜歡這裡的
老師開始講話的那段妙法蓮華經 老實說忘得差不多了
不過我知道 是在講修行很重要 “大成就明師”也很重要之類的(只有一個目的,就是要帶領大家開啟智慧,示悟眾生佛之知見等等的)
石怡潔的感動時刻- 官靈芝
客家新樂園#08- 頭擺的你
2010 第21屆 金曲獎 最佳客語歌手獎
媽媽 庵得獎囉 U歡喜嘛XD
我在這裡要感恩 妙禪 師父 讚嘆 妙禪 師父
不過真得有時候努力不一定有成果,如果真的就像她說來到如來精舍 妙禪師父開啟他智慧 讓他心安心定 了悟人身真實意 也許真有那麼一回事吧!
來到如來精舍 讓我有好多驚訝的地方
It’s amazing, marvelous妙禪 師父 佛教如來宗!!!
我下週也還要來! 呵呵呵.....
2011年2月25日 星期五
[常春藤網路書城]2011常春藤解析英語雜誌03月號-03-02-The Golden Shear-紐西蘭『金剪刀』剪羊毛大賽
The Golden Shear 紐西蘭『金剪刀』剪羊毛大賽
by Marcus Maurice
Shearers, wool handlers, and wool pressers can be champions at the Golden Shear competition.
紐西蘭『金剪刀』剪羊毛大賽幫羊咩咩剃毛的人、 羊毛加工者和羊毛熨燙工都可能在金剪刀剪羊毛大賽中奪魁。
From March 3 to March 5 this year, fit and well-trained sheep shearers will head to the Wairarapa district of Masterton, New Zealand to test their skills in the Golden Shears Championship. The first of its kind, this event is still looked upon as the mostprestigious sheep shearing competition in the world. Started in 1958 by a group of farmers, this sheep shearing contest attracted participants from the northern and southern islands of New Zealand. Its popularity was undeniable, so the organizers decided they needed a bigger venue and a catchy name to draw more attention, and thus the Golden Shear was born. In 1961, the first official Golden Shear was held, and so many people came that the police had to be called in for crowd control.
今年 3 月 3 日到 3 月 5 日,體魄強健、 訓練有素的剪羊毛達人將會前往紐西蘭馬斯特頓的懷拉拉帕區, 在金剪刀剪羊毛大賽中一試身手。 這項賽事是所有剪羊毛比賽的先驅, 至今仍被視為是世界上最富盛名的剪羊毛比賽。 這項剪羊毛比賽是一群農夫於 1958 年所發起,吸引紐西蘭北島和南島的參賽者前來。 它受歡迎的程度受到公認, 所以組織賽事的人決定需要一個更大的比賽地點, 以及一個琅琅上口的名稱來吸引更多的目光, 金剪刀剪羊毛大賽於焉誕生。1961 年首屆金剪刀剪羊毛大賽正式舉辦,由於前往的人數太多, 還得請警方前來管制人群。 Like anything popular, competition sprung up, and tons of sheep shearing contests were taking place all over New Zealand in the 1970s and 1980s. Companiessponsored shearers, and farmers started training and fitness regimens. This would help them have an advantage over others. In 1980, the World Shearing Championships were held for the first time, and sheep shearing had gone big time.
就和任何受歡迎的事物一樣,競爭紛紛出現,在 1970 至 1980 年代期間,許多剪羊毛比賽在紐西蘭各地舉行。 剪羊毛達人得到廠商贊助, 而農夫開始進行訓練與增強體能的養生課程,好在比賽中佔優勢。 1980 年世界盃剪羊毛大賽首度舉行,剪羊毛活動也就蔚為風潮。 Over the years, the rules to sheep shearing contests have been modified to fit theever-changing times. However, the one thing that has stayed the same is thatprofessional shearers desire to be champions at the most esteemed competition in the world—the Golden Shear.
多年來,剪羊毛比賽的規則也因應時代不斷變遷而有所修改。然而, 有一點未曾改變的是, 剪羊毛專家都渴望在這最受尊崇的金剪刀剪羊毛大賽中奪魁。
The Golden Shear 紐西蘭『金剪刀』剪羊毛大賽
by Marcus Maurice
Shearers, wool handlers, and wool pressers can be champions at the Golden Shear competition.
From March 3 to March 5 this year, fit and well-trained sheep shearers will head to the Wairarapa district of Masterton, New Zealand to test their skills in the Golden Shears Championship. The first of its kind, this event is still looked upon as the mostprestigious sheep shearing competition in the world. Started in 1958 by a group of farmers, this sheep shearing contest attracted participants from the northern and southern islands of New Zealand. Its popularity was undeniable, so the organizers decided they needed a bigger venue and a catchy name to draw more attention, and thus the Golden Shear was born. In 1961, the first official Golden Shear was held, and so many people came that the police had to be called in for crowd control.
今年 3 月 3 日到 3 月 5 日,體魄強健、
就和任何受歡迎的事物一樣,競爭紛紛出現,在 1970 至 1980 年代期間,許多剪羊毛比賽在紐西蘭各地舉行。
2011年2月24日 星期四
[常春藤網路書城]2011常春藤解析英語雜誌02月號-02-16 -Calling All Chocolate Lovers巧克力新樂園
by Nadia Chung
A virtual community shares passion for customized Swiss chocolate.
在『我的瑞士巧克力』虛擬社群裡, 網友彼此分享對客製化巧克力的愛好。
Since Switzerland began developing a mass market for this tasty confection in the 1800s, chocolate has become highly popular and easily available in a variety of flavors almost anywhere in the world. For people eager to express their individuality , however, store-bought chocolate might seem to lack fruits, nuts, a little spice, or even gold flakes.
打從 19 世紀,瑞士開始發展出巧克力的大眾消費市場後, 這種美味甜食便大受歡迎, 而且幾乎在全世界任何地方都很容易買到各種口味的巧克力。 不過對於渴望展現自我風格的人來說, 在商店裡買的巧克力可能就看不到水果、堅果、少許辛香料, 或甚至是金箔。
Sensing a growing appreciation of individualized goods, Swiss-born Internet start-up veterans, Sven Beichler and Christian Philippi, decided to tap into the niche market for high-qualitycustomized products. They were specifically aiming for something that would express their "Swissness" and put their Internet savvy to good use. Since Swiss cheese, knives, and watches were not easy to produce, they decided on chocolate and createdwww.mySwissChocolate.ch. This website allows customers to tailor chocolate bars according to their own tastes, with 200 million possible combinations using premium ingredients including curry powder, rose petals, and real gold flakes. One unusual concoction had white chocolate mixed with sea salt, jelly babies, and caraway. What the founders lacked in marketing resources, they made up for in the virtual community they created. The website is a unique online community where customers can earn points and vouchers exchangeable for real chocolate when they invite friends to join the club. "If you have enough friends, you can eat chocolate for free for the rest of your life," Beichler boasted.
出生於瑞士的網路創辦老手, 貝奇勒和菲利普察覺出個人化商品逐漸受到民眾青睞, 於是決定打入這個利基市場,開發高品質的客製化產品。 他們特別針對能夠表現瑞士精神的東西, 並希望能善加利用他們的網路本領加以推展。由於瑞士起司、 瑞士刀和手錶均不易製造,所以他們選定巧克力作為商品, 並建立了『我的瑞士巧克力』這個網站。 這個網站讓顧客根據自己的口味,從兩億種可能組合中, 嚴選優質食材製作巧克力棒,這些食材包括咖哩粉、 玫瑰花瓣和金箔等。有一種與眾不同的組合是在白巧克力中, 混入海鹽、娃娃形狀的軟糖及葛縷子。網站創辦人用自創的虛擬社群來彌補行銷資源的不足。 這個網站是個獨特的線上社群,當顧客邀請朋友加入該社群時, 他們就能得到可兌換真巧克力的點數和禮券。貝奇勒誇口說:『 假如你的朋友夠多,往後你就能一直享用免費的巧克力。』
by Nadia Chung
A virtual community shares passion for customized Swiss chocolate.
Since Switzerland began developing a mass market for this tasty confection in the 1800s, chocolate has become highly popular and easily available in a variety of flavors almost anywhere in the world. For people eager to express their individuality , however, store-bought chocolate might seem to lack fruits, nuts, a little spice, or even gold flakes.
打從 19 世紀,瑞士開始發展出巧克力的大眾消費市場後,
Sensing a growing appreciation of individualized goods, Swiss-born Internet start-up veterans, Sven Beichler and Christian Philippi, decided to tap into the niche market for high-qualitycustomized products. They were specifically aiming for something that would express their "Swissness" and put their Internet savvy to good use. Since Swiss cheese, knives, and watches were not easy to produce, they decided on chocolate and createdwww.mySwissChocolate.ch. This website allows customers to tailor chocolate bars according to their own tastes, with 200 million possible combinations using premium ingredients including curry powder, rose petals, and real gold flakes. One unusual concoction had white chocolate mixed with sea salt, jelly babies, and caraway. What the founders lacked in marketing resources, they made up for in the virtual community they created. The website is a unique online community where customers can earn points and vouchers exchangeable for real chocolate when they invite friends to join the club. "If you have enough friends, you can eat chocolate for free for the rest of your life," Beichler boasted.
2011年2月21日 星期一
[常春藤網路書城]2011常春藤生活英語雜誌02月號-02-14-Hotline to Help 關鍵熱線,即刻救援
Hotline to Help 關鍵熱線,即刻救援
With lots of recent teen suicides1 in the US, it is hard not to wonder if something could have been done to prevent them. Where can a person turn for help if they have an emotionalcrisis or have reached the breaking point2? The answer lies in hotlines3. These are special phone numbers that people can call if they need emergency counseling4 immediately. Most are available 24 hours a day and have trained volunteers and professional counselors.
美國近來青少年的自殺案例頻傳, 因此很難不去思考當時是否能有什麼方法來防止這樣的事情發生。 那麼當一個人有情緒方面的危機或是瀕臨崩潰邊緣時, 他們可以向誰求助呢?答案就是緊急專線。 這些專線就是人們在立刻需要緊急輔導時可以撥打的特殊號碼。 多數的專線一天二十四小時都可接話, 而且都擁有受過訓練的志工和專業輔導人員。
The first crisis hotlines were created to help individuals thinking about committing suicide. An English priest named Chad Varah realized the need to reach out after he attended a funeral for a 14-year-old girl. She killed herself because she feared that she had gotten a sexuallytransmitted disease when she experienced her first period5. That had changed Varah's life, and in 1953, he founded The Samaritans6 to help those that had nowhere else to turn. The servicecaught on and spread throughout the UK, into the US, and even to Australia and Tasmania.
史上第一組緊急專線是設立來幫助有自殺念頭的人。一位名叫查德‧ 瓦拉的英國牧師在參加完某位十四歲少女的喪禮後, 瞭解到適時伸出援手的必要性。這名少女在第一次月經來潮時, 因為害怕自己得了性病而自殺。這件事改變了瓦拉的一生, 於是在1953年, 他創立了撒瑪利亞會以幫助那些求助無門的人們。 後來這個機構的服務十分受歡迎,還進而擴展至英國、美國, 甚至澳洲和澳洲的塔斯馬尼亞島。
By the mid-1970s, suicide hotlines existed in most major cities in the US. Now, many of them have expanded their services to help people with all kinds of emotional crises. There are hotlines for runaway children, victims of domestic violence, and people dealing with gender identity issues. The good thing is that these crisis hotlines have toll-free7 numbers, which means callers can get the help they need for free.
到了1970年代中期,自殺防治專線(編按:現今亦稱生命線) 在美國各大主要城市都有設立。如今, 這些專線所提供的服務有許多都已經擴大到協助有各種情緒危機的人 們。這些專線的服務對象包括逃家的孩童、家暴受害者, 以及面臨性別認同問題的人。 有一項優點是這些緊急專線都有免付費號碼, 意思就是撥打者可以不花任何費用就能得到他們所需要的服務。
With lots of recent teen suicides1 in the US, it is hard not to wonder if something could have been done to prevent them. Where can a person turn for help if they have an emotionalcrisis or have reached the breaking point2? The answer lies in hotlines3. These are special phone numbers that people can call if they need emergency counseling4 immediately. Most are available 24 hours a day and have trained volunteers and professional counselors.
The first crisis hotlines were created to help individuals thinking about committing suicide. An English priest named Chad Varah realized the need to reach out after he attended a funeral for a 14-year-old girl. She killed herself because she feared that she had gotten a sexuallytransmitted disease when she experienced her first period5. That had changed Varah's life, and in 1953, he founded The Samaritans6 to help those that had nowhere else to turn. The servicecaught on and spread throughout the UK, into the US, and even to Australia and Tasmania.
By the mid-1970s, suicide hotlines existed in most major cities in the US. Now, many of them have expanded their services to help people with all kinds of emotional crises. There are hotlines for runaway children, victims of domestic violence, and people dealing with gender identity issues. The good thing is that these crisis hotlines have toll-free7 numbers, which means callers can get the help they need for free.
2011年2月20日 星期日
2011年2月18日 星期五
[常春藤網路書城]2011常春藤解析英語雜誌02月號-02-09-Fortune Telling and Soda Selling無所不能,無所不賣的日本販賣機
Fortune Telling and Soda Selling 無所不能,無所不賣的日本販賣機by Matthew Brown |
Japan has been ahead of the rest of the world in vending machine technology for years. 無所不能,無所不賣的日本販賣機。多年來,日本製造販賣機的科技早已領先群倫。 "They are so convenient, I wish I had one in my room," says an 18-year-old in Tokyo. She's talking about vending machines, and she's not the only one. Vending machines are hugely popular in Japan, with about one for every 50 people and 2.5 million units for drinks alone. That figure doesn't even include the ones that sell other products like cigarettes, toys, flowers, cold bananas, cooked meals, and just about anything else you can think of. 東京一名 18 歲少女說:『它們這麼方便,我真希望自己房裡也有一台。』 With so many variations, companies really have to be imaginative to make their vending machines stand out. Showing that they care, Coca-Cola made some that give out free drinks in case of an earthquake. Then there is an unusual model with a microphone inside to help scientists record the sounds of rare birds in a small remote village. The newest development in vending machine technology comes from a machine at a train station in Tokyo. It has a camera and software that figures out a shopper's age and sex. With that information, the machine guesses what the shopper wants to buy almost as though it were trying to read his or her mind. For example, one shopper reported that the vending machine offered her three different choices, with one being her favorite. She also said that it would come in handy when she couldn't make a decision. According to the company that operates the machine, consumers' pictures are deleted immediately, but general information about who is buying from the machine is gathered and used by the company. However, this doesn't seem to bother customers because they are so excited about the strange new machine. With this kind of technology, it seems anything is possible with vending machines. 有這麼多販賣機種類,販賣機公司勢必得發揮想像力, |
2011年2月14日 星期一
2011年2月13日 星期日
[常春藤網路書城]2011常春藤生活英語雜誌02月號-02-09-Island of the Dolls 墨西哥鬼娃之島
Island of the Dolls 墨西哥鬼娃之島
How would you feel if you came across an abandoned island with thousands of ragged dolls and doll parts nailed to trees everywhere? The Island of the Dolls is a strange place started by Don Julián Santana. This man lived all by himself without electricity and many of the conveniences of modern life. Even though Santana passed away in 2001, his family maintains the island with donations from curious people wanting to take pictures of the dolls.
如果您偶然發現一座荒廢小島, 島上有上千隻破舊娃娃及娃娃的身體部位被人釘在各處的樹上, 這時您會作何感覺?鬼娃之島這個詭異的地方是由唐‧朱力安‧ 桑塔那一手打造出來的。這名男子在此獨自隱居, 還過著既沒電力也缺乏現代生活中許多便利設施的生活。 雖然桑塔那於2001年去世, 但他的家人仍透過想為這些娃娃拍照的好奇民眾所捐贈的金錢來維護 島上的一切。
Many people thought Santana was a lunatic, but his family tells a different story. They say that Santana believed the island was haunted by a little girl that drowned in one of the canals nearby. He told his relatives that her spirit was restless, so he fished dolls out of the canals and local trash bins and then nailed them up on trees all around the island. It was said that he did this to protect himself from evil as well as make the spirit of the young girl happy. Starting with only one doll, Santana soon transformed the Island of the Dolls into a doll-covered shrine, not to mention a creepy tourist attraction.
許多人都覺得桑塔那是個瘋子,但是他的家人卻有一套不同的說法。 他們說桑塔那相信一個在附近運河裡溺死的小女孩一直在這座島上陰 魂不散。他跟他的親戚說女孩的靈魂無法安息, 所以他會從運河中和當地的垃圾桶裡撈出娃娃, 然後把它們釘在島上各處的樹上。 據說他這麼做是為了要保護自己免受邪靈侵害, 同時也能讓小女孩的靈魂得到寬慰。桑塔那從僅有一隻娃娃開始, 不但很快就將整座鬼娃島變成一座佈滿娃娃的聖地, 更別提還將這裡改造成一個令人毛骨悚然的觀光景點。
How would you feel if you came across an abandoned island with thousands of ragged dolls and doll parts nailed to trees everywhere? The Island of the Dolls is a strange place started by Don Julián Santana. This man lived all by himself without electricity and many of the conveniences of modern life. Even though Santana passed away in 2001, his family maintains the island with donations from curious people wanting to take pictures of the dolls.
Many people thought Santana was a lunatic, but his family tells a different story. They say that Santana believed the island was haunted by a little girl that drowned in one of the canals nearby. He told his relatives that her spirit was restless, so he fished dolls out of the canals and local trash bins and then nailed them up on trees all around the island. It was said that he did this to protect himself from evil as well as make the spirit of the young girl happy. Starting with only one doll, Santana soon transformed the Island of the Dolls into a doll-covered shrine, not to mention a creepy tourist attraction.
2011年2月10日 星期四
The Year of the Rabbit 兔年兔腳行大運
by Timothy Laird
Rabbits have meant many things to many people in many countries over the years.
Rabbits do not just bring colored eggs to children. A common superstition surrounding the rabbit is that its foot can bring good luck and ward off evil. Wearing a rabbit's foot was common practice in the early days of English-speaking countries, especially for hunters or gamblers because they always relied on a bit of luck. Not any rabbit's foot would do, though. It had to be the left hind foot, and to activate the magic, they had to rub the foot several times.
兔子不只會帶彩繪的蛋給小孩。 一個和兔子有關的普遍迷信是兔腳可以帶來好運並驅逐邪靈。 早期在英語系國家裡,人們身上戴著兔腳是很常見的作法, 尤其是對獵人或賭徒而言,因為他們總是需要一點好運。不過, 不是任何一隻兔腳都可以。必須是左後腳才行, 而且這個魔法要靈光,還得先摩擦兔腳幾下才行。
The correlation between a rabbit's foot and good fortune could possibly be derived from traditional folk magic practiced by African and Native Americans. The rabbit's foot was commonly used during their magic rituals, so by association, the totem was believed to have magical powers. Another theory was that the rabbit's foot acted as a lucky charm because the bone actually came from a witch instead of a rabbit. Witches were widely known to be powerful and could change into various animal forms, such as black cats and rabbits.
兔腳和好運的關聯可能來自於非裔美人和美國原住民的傳統民間魔法 。他們的魔法儀式裡經常用到兔腳,由於這個關聯, 這項圖騰因而被認為具有神奇的力量。 另一個理論認為兔腳被用來當作幸運符, 是因為兔腳的骨頭其實是女巫的,而不是兔子的。 女巫是眾所皆知具有神奇力量的人, 而且她們能化身為黑貓和兔子等各種動物的樣貌。
In the Chinese zodiac, 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Like its Western counterpart, the rabbit in China and the surrounding Asian nations has quite a positive image. People born under the sign of the rabbit are usually thought to be good-natured and extremely easy to get along with. They are also considered team players and reliable in getting their tasks done on time. Despite the trouble they may cause farmers, rabbits have become symbolic of fortune while also warming people's hearts as cute pets.
在中國的 12 生肖裡,2011 年是兔年。和西方的兔子一樣, 兔子在中國和鄰近亞洲國家中也有著相當正面的形象。 在兔年出生的人通常被認為脾氣很好,而且非常容易相處。 他們也被視為是具有團隊精神、 可以準時將分內工作完成的可靠人物。 儘管兔子可能會給農夫帶來麻煩,但牠們已經成為好運的象徵, 同時也是可以溫暖人心的可愛寵物。
by Timothy Laird
Rabbits have meant many things to many people in many countries over the years.
Rabbits do not just bring colored eggs to children. A common superstition surrounding the rabbit is that its foot can bring good luck and ward off evil. Wearing a rabbit's foot was common practice in the early days of English-speaking countries, especially for hunters or gamblers because they always relied on a bit of luck. Not any rabbit's foot would do, though. It had to be the left hind foot, and to activate the magic, they had to rub the foot several times.
The correlation between a rabbit's foot and good fortune could possibly be derived from traditional folk magic practiced by African and Native Americans. The rabbit's foot was commonly used during their magic rituals, so by association, the totem was believed to have magical powers. Another theory was that the rabbit's foot acted as a lucky charm because the bone actually came from a witch instead of a rabbit. Witches were widely known to be powerful and could change into various animal forms, such as black cats and rabbits.
In the Chinese zodiac, 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Like its Western counterpart, the rabbit in China and the surrounding Asian nations has quite a positive image. People born under the sign of the rabbit are usually thought to be good-natured and extremely easy to get along with. They are also considered team players and reliable in getting their tasks done on time. Despite the trouble they may cause farmers, rabbits have become symbolic of fortune while also warming people's hearts as cute pets.
在中國的 12 生肖裡,2011 年是兔年。和西方的兔子一樣,
2011年2月7日 星期一
Lido Pizza里朵義大利石窯手工披薩:D
2011年2月6日 星期日
2011年2月3日 星期四
初一Go Shopping!
Ke陪我去看牛仔褲,發現最近真得是變胖了!!!!!My God...

我準備把耳朵關起來的時候 他說我跟Kent在一起
不過Kelly的熱情程度讓我擔心她了, 我想也許去他的精舍看看會有甚麼收穫吧...(或者是去解救她!?)
Ke陪我去看牛仔褲,發現最近真得是變胖了!!!!!My God...

我準備把耳朵關起來的時候 他說我跟Kent在一起
不過Kelly的熱情程度讓我擔心她了, 我想也許去他的精舍看看會有甚麼收穫吧...(或者是去解救她!?)
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