How would you feel if you came across an abandoned island with thousands of ragged dolls and doll parts nailed to trees everywhere? The Island of the Dolls is a strange place started by Don Julián Santana. This man lived all by himself without electricity and many of the conveniences of modern life. Even though Santana passed away in 2001, his family maintains the island with donations from curious people wanting to take pictures of the dolls.
Many people thought Santana was a lunatic, but his family tells a different story. They say that Santana believed the island was haunted by a little girl that drowned in one of the canals nearby. He told his relatives that her spirit was restless, so he fished dolls out of the canals and local trash bins and then nailed them up on trees all around the island. It was said that he did this to protect himself from evil as well as make the spirit of the young girl happy. Starting with only one doll, Santana soon transformed the Island of the Dolls into a doll-covered shrine, not to mention a creepy tourist attraction.