2011年1月11日 星期二



I like altruism.(利他主義) and I hope I could be a selfless(無私的無我的)person.
But I can't make a living by these means. Frankly speaking, selfless devotion is impossible for me!
The term altruism was originally coined by philosopher Auguste Comte. It means selfless concern for the welfare of others. On December 15, 2009, 36-year-old Reed Sandridge did something that people who just lost their jobs usually never do. He started Year of Giving, a project dedicated to his mother, the most altruistic person he knew. Sandridge's plan was to give away US$10 to a stranger every day and then document it on his blog. He said his mother taught him that in difficult economic times, it's even more important to share with others.
  『利他主義』一詞最初是由哲學家奧古斯特‧孔德所創,代表對他人福利的無私關心。2009 年 12 月 15 號,36 歲的 Reed Sandridge 做了一件失業者通常不會做的事。他開始 Year of Giving 這項計劃,而該計劃是獻給他的母親,她是他認識的人中最無私的一位。Sandridge 的計劃是每天給一名陌生人 10 塊美金,並記錄在他的部落格上。他說他的母親教導他經濟情況越是艱困,與人分享就越為重要。

Sandridge knows that US$10 is not really going to change a person's life. However, he feels good in his heart, which is worth way more than US$10. Also, his stories have inspired others to do more to help those in need.
  Sandridge 明白 10 塊美金並不能真正改變一個人的生活。不過,此舉讓他感覺很好,而這價值遠超過 10 塊美金。此外,他的故事也啟發了其他人幫助需要幫忙的人。
Some days, giving away money in Washington, DC is easy, like when Sandridge helps out a homeless person or someone down on their luck. Other days, it's difficult because strangers think that Sandridge is crazy.  In their opinion, no one in their right mind would be giving out money to strangers.
在華盛頓特區,有些日子分送金錢相當容易,像是 Sandridge 幫助遊民或是時運不濟的人的時候。不過有些日子則很困難,因為陌生人認為 Sandridge 瘋了。他們覺得精神正常的人不會把錢分送給陌生人。
On his blog, Sandridge documents each monetary exchange and what happened that day. He keeps in contact with many of the people that have accepted his money and asks them to let him know how they spent it. Some bought cigarettes, alcohol, or groceries, while others paid it forward and gave the US$10 away themselves. Sandridge even has a section on the blog called Lend a Hand, where he lists the needs of the people he has met. From this, his readers can send him the needed items, which he will deliver accordingly.  At the end of the year, Sandridge plans to have a party and invite all thse who have been featured. His mother would surely be very proud of him. 
在他的部落格上,Sandridge 記錄每一筆金錢交易以及當天發生的事。他和許多接受他金錢的人保持聯絡,並請他們讓他知道,他們如何運用這筆錢。有些人拿去買香菸、酒或是食物雜貨,而有些人則是傳承這項善意,把這 10 塊美金轉送他人。Sandridge 甚至在部落格開設一個叫 Lend a Hand 的專區,這裡列出與他相遇的人的需求。從這個列表,他的讀者可以把所需物品寄給他,然後他再依照需求送出。年底時,Sandridge 打算開個派對,邀請所有參與其中的人參加。他的母親絕對會以他這個兒子為榮。

